

一歩… 二歩… 三歩… 一歩がムリなら半歩、半歩がムリなら散歩。
If one step is too much, just half step, if half step is too much, just step back with pets

小さな志、大きな志、一つの志、たくさんの志、志がない志… いろいろ、イロイロ、色々、彩々、色彩、彩色あって… みんな良い。
Small will, big will, one will, many will and will without will … Rainbows, crayons, paints and individuality… All colors are fine !

[ paweyetailとは? – WHAT’s paweyetail ?]

・語源:動物の「手-paw + 目-eye + 尾-tail」の造語。
・語意:動物(光3原色Red – Green – Blueで表現)
・Origin: A coined word created by combining ” paw – eye – tail ” of animals.
・Meaning: Animals and expressed in the primary colors of light (RGB).
・Call: Same as a “pet” by short of 3 acronyms.

[ テ ー マ – THEME ]

~ love – life – link / ~
partner-paweyetail in fulling love /溢れる族の pet
(Animals are member of family partner / パートナー家族として暮す動物 )
earth-paweyetail in shining life / 輝く球の pet
( Wildlife raised on the earth / 地球に生かされている野生動物 )
team-paweyetail in nurturing link / 育むームの pet
( Animals other than ①② link with teams / チームの絆をもつ①②以外の動物 )

[ コンセプト&ビジョン – VISION & CONCEPT ]

真 – 物 – ” で ” 和 – び – 動 ”を…
peace – enjoyment – touched” with “picture – ecology – trip”…

[ キャッチフレーズ – CATCHPHRASE ]

paw-eye-tail are as a token of love-life-link… small tokens will be big Hope & Happy…

partner paweyetail
earth paweyetail
team paweyetail

ーラー? 】

・撮影担当 フォトグラファー: 宮ヶ原義英
・パンダ初来日の1972年(ねずみ年)、鹿の子県 – 鹿児島生まれ。
京 – 鹿児島 – 岡育ち、ゴリラのB型 / ふたご座。
・小(ッカー) – 中(道) – 高(スリング:全国大会出場)時代はスポーツ少年。
・元サラリーマン(CATV局 – ラワー関連 – 行会社)、今カメラーマン。
・野生動物たちを撮影後、ペットたちを撮り、近年は身近な paweyetailをゆる撮り。
・写真との縁: たまたま祖父母が写真館創業者。
・モットー: 1%のセンスと99%の「写体‐メラ‐」の力で撮る…
・座ヌーの銘: 私の代わりはヌーの数ほどいる…

paweyetailer ? 】

・In charge of shooting(Photographer): Yoshihide MIYAGAHARA
・Born: In Kagoshima in Japan in 1972 when the PANDAs first came to Japan and Japanese Zodiac is MOUSEs. ( Kagoshima’s Japanese characters means “Deer Kids Island” )
・Raised: In Tokyo, Kagoshima and Fukuoka in Japan. Blood Type is same as gorillas “B” and a constellation is Twins.
・Boyhood: Sports boy with elementary (Soccer) – Junior high (Judo) – high (Wrestling: participated in the high school national championships).
・Graduated from an University in Japan & Citrus College in California, US.
・From omnivorous-ish office worker such as CATV – Flower related – Travel agency to animal-ish photographer.
・In 2008, taking my first wildlife photos in Africa of the wild kingdom. Taking photo of pets after traveling to more than 20 countries around the world. Recently, having taken photo of animals close to me at my own pace in Japan.
・Awarded by Nikkei National Geographic International Photo Contest 2010 in Nature Category. (Jackals vs Vultures)
・Relationship with photos : It all started when my grandparents used to run a photo studio in Japan.
・Motto:1. Shoot with 1% taste & 99% power of subject – camera – luck… 2. There are millions of gnus instead of me…

タイトル: 一喝 ! / マサイ マラ国立保護区 ケニア | Jackal vs. Vulture / Masai Mara N.R, Kenya
タイトル: 私の代わりはヌーの数ほどいる… | Title: There are millions of gnus instead of me…