Snorkelephant – シュゾーケル

In charge of Overseas: Snorkelephant (“BIG 5 Animals” OCEAn’s parents)
Even the largest land animals can swim overseas on business trips.
Good at global long-distance communication with our amazing hearing & delicate soles.
Motto: Water is the driving force of all nature (Leonardo De Vinci) /
No water, no life. No blue, no green (Sylvia Earle) | Location: Chobe N.P, Botswana

海外担当: シュゾーケル (”BIG 5アニマルズ”オーシャン生みの親)
座右の銘: 「よく泳ぐ者は溺る」| 撮影地: ボツワナ – チョベ国立公園

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